This blog is a diary of my exploration into the Alice’s rabbit hole 1.


We will start where everything started:

Harbin 2014 when in order to communicate with other people we didn’t have any possible languages to support our communication, exept the sketches and drawing, based on their skills in drawing I think it is still a miracle that I survived there.


This is a hypothetical roadmap regarding the future posts for the next year:

  1. Introduction - September 2020
  2. Mission - October 2020
  3. Who is HOX - November 2020
  4. History of Sketch - Decembember 2020
  5. Sketch Recognition: Single Category - January 2021
  6. Sketch Recognition: 4 Categories - February 2021
  7. Sketch Recognition: Multicategories - March 2021
  8. Open-Source Projects: TorchSketch - April 2021
  9. Sketching on the Web - May 2021
  10. Deployment on Tablet - June 2021
  11. CDI Logo and Mission - July 2021
  12. Surprise: August 2021
September October November December January February March April May June July August
Introduction Mission Who is HOX History of Sketch Sketch Recognition Sketch Recognition Sketch Recognition Open-Source Projects Sketching on the Web Deployment on Tablet CDI Logo and Mission Surprise


The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn


There will be a lot of Python
# Prints '3.6'
def journey(Module):
    __init__ self

Computational Design and Deep Learning


  1. There will be a lot of reference to Disney, Lego and Matrix in this Blog, in order to keep more democratic and open to everyone who will be please to share their time with me.